Friday, April 9, 2010

Much better solutions than this....

Please read this article.  The boy in the article is from the Vlad region.  It shall be interesting to see what the trickle down effect will be.  So sad! So maddening!  There are much better solutions to the problems the family was having than this.  And notice that the statistics still say there are over 740,000 children needing homes in Russia.

I will be praying for those involved directly and indirectly.  I am sure the agency that is being temporarily blacklisted must be sick about this as well.


Gloria said...

I am shocked and appalled.

Jennifer Eckman said...

I have so much to say about this article that I'm not really sure where to start. What I can say is that until you have lived with a child who has Reactive Attachment Disorder and been told for years and years that "you" as the parent are the problem, that if you just "love them more", that if there was just more discipline, etc, etc, etc., you really can't make a judgment about this situation. Although this women resorted to extreme measures that I would NEVER condone, my guess is that she was not being taking seriously and she came to the end of her rope. Attachment disorders are real, they are serious, they disrupt a family, they can lead to extreme violent behavior, and there are times where removing the child from the home for a time period is a recommended method of treatmet. For the most part, I feel empathy for this family.....because sometimes love is not enough and sometimes, parents crack. I am sad that they could not find the appropriate treatment....the treatment that we have...Chaddock Trauma Initiative.

Jennifer Eckman said...

oh dear....I guess I should also step off my soapbox and say that I sooooo hope this does not affect your process. It makes entirely no sense that these children continue to sit in these countries for years and years and years because of the "money factor" know my feelings on!! Praying for someone to smooth out this situation and also praying for this little boy...he is the victim....he's been traumatized over and over and over again....poor little thing..

Heather said...

Jennifer – you are exactly right. While I am completely frustrated with this situation, I have no doubt in my mind that this lady reached a point of desperation beyond what most of us could imagine. It is such a sad ordeal. I know how irrational some authorities act in situations like this, and I am fearful they will shut the program down for some time. And the ones that will suffer the most are the children.