Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maybe Thursday…

In the game of waiting I am a loser every single time. Because I set a personal goal of improving my patience and ability to be still and wait, I was trying very hard not to call World Links to see if we got registered or not. I know that our case worker would tell us the moment she knows anything. When we didn’t hear anything yesterday I was disappointed. By today at noon I was at my waiting limit. I caved in and picked up the phone. I was trying so hard to be patient! Failed – again….

Here is what we have been told. The regional operator still did not have time to look over our documents and Irina is supposed to return on Thursday. So back to holding my breath. I am trying really hard not to be a pessimist, but I am a realist. Lutheran’s license expires on October 26th. If I put myself in the operator’s shoes would I let our paperwork go through or would I want the new license on hand first? Ugh! I know the honest answer to that question. And as far as we know, as of today, DCFS has still not issued the new license. Keep in mind that they aren’t withholding the license for any particular reason from what I understand. They pretty much just haven’t printed or certified it yet. I have recently ‘met’ another blogger who has been waiting about a month for the new license because her region would let her register until they had the renewed license. Having been through the adoption process before, I know that this is just one of many many times that we will be frustrated by waiting. I really thought I would handle it better this time around. Unfortunately, I think I am making it harder because I am aware of all of the hurdles yet to come. I have been good at giving other people advice about being patient – God’s timing will be perfect – but applying that to myself is hard. Maybe I will have a breakthrough in the near future. There has to be hope for me still :o)


Sabrina and Giorgio said...

I completely understand. Even patience has its own limits. When it comes to adoption, I think it must be lot harder to be patient than with other things we need to be patient with in life. It seems like such a simple thing - looking at the application on your desk. I'm sure Irina going in will help alot and speed things up a bit. In the mean time, keep busy with other things. It's the only thing that keeps me sane! :-)

sonflowerjax said...

Isn't it amazing how God is always growing our patience? I'm personally not a fan of these trying times either. ;) As much as it is easier to say than to live out, try to remember all those little God ordained timing's that you were able to look back on in Blake's life and your life after you first met him...remember that God has already chosen this child for your family, and He is waiting til the PERFECT day to reveal who that is. :) Hang in there!!